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Wish You Were Here (1987)

Drama | 92 minutes
3,32 48 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 92 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: David Leland

Stars: Emily Lloyd, Tom Bell and Jesse Birdsall

IMDb score: 6,8 (3.488)

Releasedate: 24 July 1987

Wish You Were Here plot

"Some people march to the beat of a different drummer. Lynda’s got her own brass band."

Lynda grows up in an English conservative seaside town with her father and younger sister. From a young age, Lynda loves to rebel. She is constantly cursing, which is not appreciated in the strict community. Her father sends her to a psychiatrist who tries to find out where all the swearing comes from. When she is a teenager, she becomes more exhibitionist and her behavior becomes sexual. She even becomes pregnant by an acquaintance of her father.

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