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Un Homme Qui Crie (2010)

Drama | 92 minutes
2,96 38 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 92 minuten

Alternative title: A Screaming Man

Country: France / Belgium / Chad

Directed by: Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

Stars: Emile Abossolo M'bo, Youssouf Djaoro and Diouc Koma

IMDb score: 6,7 (1.870)

Releasedate: 29 September 2010


Un Homme Qui Crie plot

Chad. Former swimming champion Adam, a man in his 60s, works by the pool of a N'Djamena hotel. When the hotel is taken over by a group of Chinese, he has to give up his job and his son Abdel takes his place. He feels socially humiliated. The country is at war and the population is being asked to contribute to the fight in the form of money or volunteers to fight. Adam is constantly harassed about his contribution. He doesn't have a cent, though; he only has his son...

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