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The Sand Castle (2025)

Drama | 98 minutes
1,81 29 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 98 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Matty Brown

Stars: Nadine Labaki, Ziad Bakri and Riman Al Rafeea

IMDb score: 4,7 (1.448)

Releasedate: 7 December 2024


The Sand Castle plot

A family of four is stranded on a picturesque island, hiding a shocking reality. What starts as child’s play and simple ways to pass the time begins to reveal dark secrets that they try to hide from the youngest, Jana. As events spiral out of control, the line between reality and fiction begins to blur. How will Jana and her family deal with the consequences and the difficult choices they must make?

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lang pee

  • 2341 messages
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After the trailer I expected a lot from this film, especially because they were all very solid actors. But I was still very disappointed. Couldn't always follow well (that could be me) and it couldn't captivate me at all.

Beautiful images of the small island with the beautiful lighthouse. Actually just a dream of mine. Living on an island with a beautiful lighthouse to live in. There should be no electricity, just a big pile of good books and complete peace...

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