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Southern Comfort (1981)

Drama | 99 minutes
3,48 546 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States / Switzerland / United Kingdom

Directed by: Walter Hill

Stars: Keith Carradine, Powers Boothe and Fred Ward

IMDb score: 7,1 (22.888)

Releasedate: 24 September 1981

Southern Comfort plot

"It's the land of hospitality... unless you don't belong there."

Some members of the Louisiana National Guard, a group of part-time soldiers, go on a weekend exercise. The journey will take them deep into the wetlands. They are only lightly packed and have only blanks in their guns, except for Reece who has surreptitiously taken real bullets. The 38 km journey is not as harmless as intended. When they come across a lake that isn't on the map, they have to improvise. Along the side they find a number of canoes belonging to the local population, the Cajun Indians. They borrow the boats and leave a note. As they cross the lake, Stuckey, one of the teammates, sees four fighters standing by the side. There is shooting.

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Disappointing film despite a fairly solid cult reputation.

National Reserve gets into a fight with the Hillbillys in the Bayou....okay it will be very difficult not to talk about "Deliverance", but that was an oppressively exciting film, here I mainly see a bunch of idiot reservists.

Maybe my testosterone level is too low and this is a typical macho movie or something, but I didn't feel any tension or threat, more like a movie where Sylvester Stallone could play as Rambo.

Soundtrack by Ry Cooder is the main bright spot.

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Overrated incapable 80's crap that starts nice (in the boats) and ends nice (that whole scene in the village), but in between is more than an hour of exasperating nonsense.

The characters are stupid and the acting is quite weak and over the top. The constant arguing between the members of the team felt far too forced. Illogical choice after illogical choice follows. The scenes with the Cajun are okay but often not very well portrayed.

Painfully long, and that while there was quite a lot of potential. But this performance misses the point.

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Roger Thornhill

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The first time I saw this film I was actually a bit disappointed because of the predictability, but over the years I have come to appreciate it more and more for the setting, the interpretations and the mutual tensions. Keith Carradine and the late Powers Boothe have since become fairly favorite actors, and the rest of the cast fills in the somewhat stereotypical roles. The only downside I find is the fact that the dialogues are all just a bit too worked up and therefore sometimes come across as a bit too theatrical – even Spencer and Hardin, who recognize each other as the two most balanced characters, regularly clash.

Ry Cooder's music for this film is often praised. Although I don't doubt Cooder's integrity, I think his score is a bit overrated: it sounds more like an afternoon of frobling than a serious support for the images, as if he thought that improvising some nice runs on slide guitar with a lot of echo and reverb to create ambiance suggesting it would be enough to evoke a paranoid atmosphere. And for some viewers that might be the case, but I only hear glorified home industry in it.

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