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Modern Crimes (1992)

Drama | 89 minutes
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Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 89 minuten

Alternative title: Crímenes Modernos

Country: Argentina / Netherlands

Directed by: Alejandro Agresti

Starst: Roy Ward, Alejandro Agresti and Adrian Brine

IMDb score: 7,9 (63)

Releasedate: 25 March 1992


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Modern Crimes plot

Feature film about the radio engineer Tim van Sandwijk. His life has been empty since his girlfriend left him for someone else. When his best friend Alex (Alejandro Agresti) tells that he has fallen in love and wants to get married soon, Tim only feels lonely. Unexpectedly, Alex kills himself, and Tim cannot accept this. He must find a reason for this senseless death and the introverted Tim is now completely introverted. A thriller-like conspiracy theory begins to develop in his head, with Alex's girlfriend as the prime suspect. As the mystery unravels, a truth much more sinister comes to light.

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