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Michael Clayton (2007)

Drama | 119 minutes
3,25 1.396 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 119 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tony Gilroy

Stars: George Clooney, Tom Wilkinson and Sydney Pollack

IMDb score: 7,2 (177.390)

Releasedate: 12 October 2007

Michael Clayton plot

"The truth can be adjusted."

Michael Clayton is a savvy lawyer who works at one of New York's largest firms. His firm is involved in the defense of mega concern U/North, which is at odds with small farmers who have filed a claim for damages against the company. As good as Clayton is at his job, his private life is such a mess. He is divorced, has a complicated relationship with his son, is an avid poker player and has problems with his addicted brother. When his friend and colleague Arthur, the architect of U/North's defenses, becomes paranoid and begins to sabotage U/North's process, Clayton has another problem and is confronted with his conscience and morals.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Michael Clayton

Arthur Edens

Karen Crowder

Barry Grissom

Bridget Klein (voice)

Chinese Dealer

Waiter (voice)

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I abstain from voting. Dropped out after half an hour, skipped the middle part, saw the end, you can make up the middle part yourself. It didn't really bother me.

A movie you have to be in the mood for.

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Don't get the critique people here are giving on the horse scene, there is a very logical explanation for it. And I'm surprised so few people noticed.

Michael's son is reading the book Realm and Conquest. About which he also tells his father extensively and encourages him to read. The book with the red cover, which his son has placed on the kitchen table at Michael's home.
Arthur's phone conversation with Michael's son is about this book. Which makes Arthur read this book himself and even the documents that contain the truth about U/North print with a red cover and the same title.
When Michael breaks into Arthur's house after his death, he finds the same book. While leafing through this, he comes across an image on a page between two paragraphs. Here is a horse between the trees on a hill.

As a result, Michael stops on the country road as soon as he sees the horses standing between the trees on a hill. This place reminds him of his son and Arthur, the people he cares about most in the world and feels he has abandoned.

Hope this helps people understand the movie a little better, because this is the most important scene in the movie in my opinion that a lot of people apparently overlook or just don't understand.

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Saw it quite some time ago and forgot to rate it at the time. Not so crazy to think why. I don't get to experience it often, but this was really a film that didn't captivate me for almost the entire running time and even got on my nerves quite a bit. And then two hours seem quite long. It wasn't until the last half hour that I was a bit into it and it could appeal to me a bit more, but then of course you have already 3/4 of the film behind you, so that the climax hardly makes any impact. With Clooney in the lead role - but actually also the rest of the cast - I couldn't do much, but the biggest problem is that I simply found it a dull affair. I didn't find the elaboration of the story at all exciting, compelling, catchy ... or whatever the makers intended.


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