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Mazes and Monsters (1982)

Drama | 101 minutes
2,53 30 votes

Genre: Adventure / Fantasy

Duration: 101 minuten

Alternative title: Rona Jaffe's Mazes and Monsters

Country: United States

Directed by: Steven Hilliard Stern

Stars: Tom Hanks, Wendy Crewson and David Wallace

IMDb score: 4,2 (4.472)

Releasedate: 27 December 1982

Mazes and Monsters plot

"Danger lurks between fantasy and reality."

Four students spend almost all of their time playing the role-playing game 'Mazes and Monsters'. However, they want to try something new and they decide to play the game in an abandoned cave, instead of in their room. However, one of the boys has visions during the game and he takes on his character of Saint Pardieu outside the game as well. Soon he can no longer keep fantasy and reality apart...

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