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Les Bonnes Femmes (1960)

Drama | 100 minutes
3,17 48 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: France / Italy

Directed by: Claude Chabrol

Stars: Bernadette Lafont, Clotilde Joano and Stéphane Audran

IMDb score: 7,2 (3.267)

Releasedate: 22 April 1960


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Les Bonnes Femmes plot

A number of French shop girls try to chase away the hopeless daily life with daydreams about wild adventures outside of shopping hours.

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  • 12464 messages
  • 10590 votes

Good film about four young women who work in a shop during the day and like to go out in the evening. A slice-of-life film that, however, is shown here and there in a fairly stylized way. A time document in which the skewed relationships between man and woman is quickly clear (fortunately not entirely without humor). A narrow 3.5 stars.

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  • 13389 messages
  • 1946 votes

Quite interesting, as a film and as an image of the position of women. But it is also a bit thick on top of it, including going to look at caged animals (and what small cages). The pool sequence will probably stick with me the most.

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