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Le Conseguenze dell'Amore (2004)

Drama | 100 minutes
3,76 723 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 100 minuten

Alternative title: The Consequences of Love

Country: Italy

Directed by: Paolo Sorrentino

Stars: Toni Servillo, Olivia Magnani and Adriano Giannini

IMDb score: 7,5 (19.486)

Releasedate: 24 September 2004


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Le Conseguenze dell'Amore plot

"Everyone has a dark secret"

Everyone has an unspeakable secret. But Titta Di Girolamo has more than one. That's clear. Why else would a fifty-year-old man from the south want to live eight years in an anonymous hotel room in an anonymous city in the Italian part of Switzerland? Eight years without work. Apparently. Years of silence and lots of cigarettes, years of hanging out in the lobby or hotel bar, elegantly dressed, but without ever wishing to indulge in anything luxurious. A horrible routine, waiting forever for something to happen. Titta observes, staring at the life passing before him, emotionlessly. Apparently. He has no one left. One man alone, lost. What is he hiding and why? What are Titta Di Girolamo's unmentionable secrets?

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Film that didn't quite live up to my expectations. Cinematographically great, good atmosphere and an excellent set of main characters, but in terms of narration it was all a bit too random for me. Well, at least it felt pretty random, at times. Mainly because of this, I had trouble working my way into the story, so that I was regularly only looking at a few interesting shots, without empathizing or really enjoying it. And that's a pity. Was very pleased with the successful humor that runs through the film. But otherwise it was mainly a visual party with a few beautiful shots. Also a strong ending.

3 stars for now.

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Revise today. Still a fantastic movie. In fact, magnificent in every way. Beautifully graceful camera work, a downright fascinating and elusive main character, strong story, and a sublime soundtrack consisting of both modern and classical notes (that Lali Puna song, genius).

Highlights are the opening, Titta in the operating chair, the heroin shot, and the serene ending scene. Also for me the best Italian film I have seen. And the absolute highlight of Sorrentino's oeuvre. It almost hurts to see a film like Youth being so acclaimed when you know what Sorrentino is really capable of. 5.0* remain standing.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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A typical Sorrentino. Stylish and classy. Reminded me somewhat of La grande bellezza in that regard. The tandem Sorrentino and Servilo works perfectly. Strong actor, that Servillo who always manages to attract attention with his talent.

The first part, say hours, you don't really know where the film wants to go. Titta is shrouded in mystery and his past and current motives remain guessing. As a viewer I could still keep warm with the beautiful cinematography and soundtrack. And to Servillo himself, of course.

Later, the film unfolds as if it were a mafia movie. Pretty intense and even soothing final scene as if Titta acquiesced in his fate. Despite everything, not quite as a whole, but fine in many individual components of the film.

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