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Lady Caroline Lamb (1972)

Drama | 123 minutes
2,30 5 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 123 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / Italy

Directed by: Robert Bolt

Stars: Sarah Miles, Jon Finch and Richard Chamberlain

IMDb score: 5,4 (582)

Releasedate: 22 November 1972


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Lady Caroline Lamb plot

"England expected an affaire. Caroline gave them history."

Lady Caroline Lamb (Sarah Miles) is very unhappily married, but soon decides to focus on her great passion: writing. When she has gained some fame, many doors open for her and she meets various writers and publishers. One of them makes a very special impression, Lord Byron. This writer, with a rather scandalous reputation, attracts her immensely. Without thinking twice, she plunges into a passionate romance.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Lady Caroline Lamb

William Lamb

George Gordon, Lord Byron

Lady Melbourne

Lady Bessborough

Miss Milbanke

Duke of Wellington

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