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Îmi Este Indiferent Daca în Istorie vom Intra ca Barbari (2018)

Drama | 140 minutes
3,28 23 votes

Genre: Drama / History

Duration: 140 minuten

Alternative title: I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians

Country: Romania / Germany / Bulgaria / France / Czech Republic

Directed by: Radu Jude

Stars: Ioana Iacob, Alex Bogdan and Alexandru Dabija

IMDb score: 7,2 (2.160)

Releasedate: 28 September 2018


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Îmi Este Indiferent Daca în Istorie vom Intra ca Barbari plot

"I don't care if we go down in history as barbarians." With these words, spoken in the Council of Ministers in the summer of 1941, the ethnic cleansing on the Eastern Front began. Despite the municipal government's attempts to censor her, a young theater director tries to accurately recreate the Odessa massacre. Romanian soldiers massacred tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews.

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