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If.... (1968)

Drama | 111 minutes
3,53 241 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Lindsay Anderson

Stars: Malcolm McDowell, David Wood and Richard Warwick

IMDb score: 7,4 (25.710)

Releasedate: 19 December 1968

If.... plot

"Which side will you be on?"

Mick attends a strict English boarding school. Together with a few friends, he resists the strict rules. When the school and the older students, who have to enforce the rules, don't cooperate, a situation arises that threatens to spiral out of control, and the viewer asks the question: Which side are you on?

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Leland Palmer

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Great movie with an excellent Malcolm McDowell in the lead role. The build-up of the film is fine and has a few strong scenes - especially the one in the cafe stands out from the crowd. I didn't think the ending itself was that special and somewhat predictable. Got to laugh a few times, that helps.

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Almost fifty years old, but still quite powerful and even quite topical. Visually, the film also hardly looks dated. The bizarre, sometimes slightly surreal situations at an English boarding school are beautifully portrayed and the mainly young cast is excellent. A very young Malcolm McDowell stands out in a positive way; It's clear that Stanley Kubrick chose him for A Clockwork Orange based on this role. The final could have been a bit more powerful, but all in all quite impressive.

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It is clear that the film wanted to be edgy and rebellious, but that is not quite the case. Maybe because it's just not absurd enough, or because the scenes that are (like the end) are a bit tame. Maybe just because the run-up is taking too long.

Anderson lingers for quite some time in the set-up of the event, with a lot of characters in an intro that is too extensive. It actually takes until the scene in the bar that it really loosens up. Fortunately, the second part of the film runs a bit more smoothly, so that the attention does not slacken.

Visually it is very poor, the alternation between color and black and white really does the film no good (whatever the explanation may be). Furthermore, there is also McDowell who stands out (and here is clearly a test run for his role in A Clockwork Orange), but that is not entirely enough to boost the film to a sufficient level.


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