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Der Trafikant (2018)

Drama | 117 minutes
3,11 41 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 117 minuten

Alternative title: The Tobacconist

Country: Austria / Germany

Directed by: Nikolaus Leytner

Stars: Simon Morzé, Bruno Ganz and Johannes Krisch

IMDb score: 6,5 (2.120)

Releasedate: 12 October 2018


Der Trafikant plot

In 1937 Austria, 17-year-old Franz Huchel leaves his native village. He is apprenticed to the Viennese tobacco trader Otto Trsnjek. The small tobacconist's regular customers include Sigmund Freud. This one is old and sick. From the beginning, Franz has been fascinated by Freud. When the boy falls hopelessly in love with a beautiful dancer, he turns to Freud for advice.

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  • 2714 messages
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Reasonable movie. It looks neat and the cast plays well. Unfortunately, the story is not too fascinating, I found the conversations with Freud quite boring, and the surrealistic images (his dreams) that are shown in between I found too distracting, which made it difficult for me to get into it. Not bad, but not great either. A narrow enough.

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Book adaptation with an honest impression of Austria, which is overrun by the Nazis on the eve of the Second World War. In an atmosphere of persecution and racism, a young man comes of age through trial and error. The secondary storyline about his relationship with a variety dancer adds little.

A striking role, on the other hand, is reserved for the often peerless Bruno Ganz in one of his last films. Since Der Untergang from 2004 I recognize his voice out of thousands.

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The Trafficker.

A setting that is almost as carefully constructed as a still life, hushed in the middle of the city, in the midst of the disconcerting upheaval in Vienna on the eve of the Second World War. In that context the narrative of Franzl and his friends - Otto, der Trafikant himself, Roter Egon the Bolshevik, and of course Freud. Oh, and of course the girl.

The game with dream and reality, want and reality is beautiful but a bit on the subtle side. In fact, that goes for the entire movie. Still, if it produces such fine images, it is actually more exciting and interesting than the umpteenth action film.

One of the last roles of the famous Bruno Ganz, and all the expectations you could have with it are met without any visible effort. Not that the rest of the cast is inferior to him, by the way, Krisch is equally convincing, and Morzé is also doing a good job.

Perhaps it would have been nice if Franzl's writings that he sticks to the shop window had been given a little more space. But maybe not possible to delve further in that direction without breaking down the film's accessibility - and hey, I can just read the book, of course.

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