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Denial (2016)

Drama | 110 minutes
3,11 190 votes

Genre: Biography

Duration: 110 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Mick Jackson

Stars: Rachel Weisz, Tom Wilkinson and Timothy Spall

IMDb score: 6,8 (24.274)

Releasedate: 30 September 2016

Denial plot

"The whole world knows the Holocaust happened. Now she needs to prove it."

The film tells the story of Deborah E. Lipstadt's legal battle against David Irving for the historical truth. He accused her of libel when she accused him of Holocaust denial. In the English legal system, the burden of proof lies with the accused, leaving it up to Lipstadt and her team to prove the essential truth of the Holocaust taking place.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Deborah Lipstadt

Richard Rampton

David Irving

Anthony Julius

James Libson

Sir Charles Gray

Professor Robert Jan van der Pelt

Prof. Richard Evans

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  • 5751 messages
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"I'm not going to argue with anyone who says the Holocaust didn't happen," says Deborah Lipstadt (Rachel Weisz) firmly from her lectern. A man stands in the back of the room. The camera is rolling, what will follow is tightly directed. "I'm David Irving, and I've got a thousand dollars here for whoever provides evidence for the Holocaust," he said. The rest is - literally - history.

further reading (extensive)

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Intriguing court film that certainly interested me enormously as far as the subject is concerned. Although history is close to my heart, David Irving didn't say much to me. My wife, who is a historian by training, was familiar with him and the process.

I also found the strategy used by the defendant fascinating. The fact that Lipstadt should not testify himself and that the victims of the Holocaust should not testify either, was a clever approach by the lawyers.

The trip to Auschwitz was also interesting. Those small details and insights added something to the film and to my general knowledge. Great role by Timothy Spall as a louse in the fur. I continued to watch the film in amazement. Surprising how hard you had to come out of the closet to be able to prove something so obvious.

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Nice film, which owes a lot to the beautiful roles of Spall and Wilkinson. I didn't like Weisz.

By the way, the real Deborah Lipstadt is now “United States Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism” in the Biden cabinet.

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