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Civilization's Child (1916)

Drama | 50 minutes
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Genre: Drama

Duration: 50 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Charles Giblyn

Stars: William H. Thompson, Anna Lehr and Jack Standing

Releasedate: 23 April 1916


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Civilization's Child plot

After an idyllic mountain life in Russia, Berna goes to live with her uncle in the Jewish part of Kiev, where she arrives just as the Cossacks are slaughtering most of the Jews in the city. Berna escapes to New York and works in a business controlled by boss Jim McManus, but he seduces her, then throws her out on the street and she becomes a prostitute. Berna later marries Nicolay Turgenev, a young musician, and they soon have a child, but McManus' daughter Ellen falls in love with Nicolay after seeing him perform and convinces him to leave Berna.

Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Boss Jim McManus

Nicolay Turgenev

Ellen McManus

Jacob Weil

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