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Blue Movie (1971)

Drama | 88 minutes
1,95 208 votes

Genre: Drama / Erotic

Duration: 88 minuten

Alternative title: Das Porno-Haus von Amsterdam

Country: Netherlands / West Germany

Directed by: Wim Verstappen

Stars: Hugo Metsers, Carry Tefsen and Kees Brusse

IMDb score: 5,0 (593)

Releasedate: 16 July 1971


Blue Movie plot

Ex-convict Michael returns after five years to a society where total sexual freedom is the motto. Sex-hungry Michael becomes fascinated by the noisy sex life of his attractive neighbor and eventually organizes orgies with and for the apartment residents.

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This film can count as a document of its time. The sexual revolution has just ended and will soon be capitalized on at a time when unpleasant things like AIDS are far from being an issue. The pill is enough to have sex with your neighbor without any hindrance.

The nude scenes must have made an impression at that time, long before the successive video and internet revolutions.

I started watching Blue Movie without great expectations, and was pleasantly surprised by the tongue in cheek comedy content. The scenes with the probation officer... hi-la-ric! The conversations in which Kees Brusse, a highly learned zoologist, speaks are also priceless.

The whole film has a light-hearted undertone, has little to it, as it were (well), focuses on free morals, but still manages to generate a petty-bourgeois finale. Charming.

I really like the direction of Wim Verstappen and the camera work of none other than Jan De Bont, with the realistic style used. I also liked the soundtrack, with the David Gilmour-like guitar lines, Richard Wright organs and I also thought I could recognize a hint of The Who influences during the sex party.

Fascinating that this is one of the Netherlands' most commercial mainstream films ever... and fascinating that the filming took place in the new-build flats of the Bijlmermeer...

Blue Movie is a film that will appeal to comedy enthusiasts, time travelers and porn nauts. As a cult film, this can't really go wrong.

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Sexploitation from Dutch soil. And it's certainly not good. This is mainly (apparently) a provocation by Wim Verstappen to the film authorities, by showing nice erections and a lot of sex in a film. But it's not much else. I didn't expect to ever see Carry Tefsen as a romping cat - and no, that wasn't a success either. It is otherwise a very mediocre film anyway, Hugo Metsers asks for cups of sugar and goes to bed with all kinds of housewives in the Bijlmer, and that's about it.

The script is tragically bad, the cast is variable and many of the actresses, for example, don't do much either. It looks quite amateurish, poor image quality and, above all, a lot of ugly pictures of elevators, front doors and kitchens. It's still a bit funny as a time document of the early 1970s. Pure pulp, boring, very slow soft porn, but apparently still in the top 5 of most visited Dutch films, let's stick to a bit of history.

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Today I watched this film on Bluray that I bought via the American Amazon, a beautifully restored recording of this film (Region free) so that you can also watch it in the Netherlands.

This way I was also able to buy restored Blurays of: Frank & Eva, Spetters, The Debut, A Woman Like Eva, The Lift, Amsterdamned and the Flodder films.

Nice to see it again, some nudity, a simple story and quite doable, although it sometimes looked a bit boring and slow, but that was part of the times.

I didn't like the nudity and sex part of this film.

If anyone knows of more old Dutch films that have been released on Bluray, please let me know.

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