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Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)

Drama | 117 minutes
3,35 1.595 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 117 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Sidney Lumet

Stars: Philip Seymour Hoffman, Ethan Hawke and Albert Finney

IMDb score: 7,3 (115.610)

Releasedate: 26 September 2007

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead plot

"No one was supposed to get hurt."

Two brothers decide to commit a robbery out of financial need. Carefully prepared, they assume that everything will go well. No violence, no deaths and therefore no casualties. But if one of them doesn't keep to their agreement, the whole plan falls through and a new way out has to be hurriedly devised.

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  • 3487 messages
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Strong film with an excellent Hoffman. Definitely takes the movie to the next level. Furthermore, it is a story with a huge negative charge. There is no room for optimism in this tragic family drama.

Thick 3.5*

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Not a bad film at all, but with a Lumet the expectations are always very high. Ditto with the lamented Hoffman, by the way. Their films are often associated with solidity and quality. And so is this Before the devil knows you're dead, even if it is certainly not a masterpiece.

Excellent acting as said before and the screenplay is also quite fine. I didn't always like the effect. Here and there some dead moments and some lack of momentum. You also had to keep your attention with the non-chronological narrative structure, which in itself is not a problem. Although it sometimes felt messy.

Here and there the hand of Lumet is clearly visible with the attention to working out details, although this is unfortunately not extended throughout the film. All in all, a very successful film!

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Dit is een klassieker. Beelden, scenes die je bijblijven. Uitgebalanceerde opbouw van het verhaal. Niet te veel creatieve nonsens willen inbouwen. Gewoon een prachtig en aangrijpend verhaal willen verbeelden waarin de 2 broers boven zichzelf uitstijgen waar het catastrofaal acteren betreft. Geniaal!