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Angel, Angel, Down We Go (1969)

Drama | 93 minutes
2,25 4 votes

Genre: Drama / Crime

Duration: 93 minuten

Alternative title: Cult of the Damned

Country: United States

Directed by: Robert Thom

Stars: Jennifer Jones, Jordan Christopher and Roddy McDowall

IMDb score: 4,3 (545)

Releasedate: 19 August 1969


Angel, Angel, Down We Go plot

"Drugs, thugs and freaked-out starlets, ritual murder and cannibalism, dedicated to the proposition that all men are created evil."

Tara Nicole (Holly Near) is a slightly overweight girl, her mother Astrid Steele (Jennifer Jones) is a former nude actress and her father an alcoholic. Of course Tara wants to escape this and when one day she meets the singer Bogart Peter Stuyvesant (Jordan Christopher), he introduces her to his riotous life full of drugs and sex.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Astrid Steele

Bogart Peter Stuyvesant

Tara Nicole Steele

Willy Steele

Maitre D's Wife

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