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Als in een Roes... (1986)

Drama | 82 minutes
2,38 4 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 82 minuten

Alternative title: Intoxicated

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Pim de la Parra

Stars: Herbert Flack, Liz Snoyink and Thom Hoffman

IMDb score: 5,8 (17)

Releasedate: 28 August 1986


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Als in een Roes... plot

Playwright and director Nils Wijn moves his relationship problem to the stage. He has his girlfriend Tessa show up in his play 'The Whore, the Virgin and the Dying Man' in a revealing piece of lingerie and drag her to a real prostitute for some practical training. This is going too far for the actress. Their problem turns out to be contagious, because other members of the theater company also get into a fight with their partners.

Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Tessa Mahon

Diederik van Avezaat

Hero de Winter

Agatha van Avezaat

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