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Pink Ribbons, Inc. (2011)

Documentary | 97 minutes
3,17 6 votes

Genre: Documentary

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: Canada

Directed by: Léa Pool

Starst: Samantha King, Barbara Brenner and Barbara Ehrenreich

IMDb score: 7,3 (732)

Releasedate: 11 September 2011

Pink Ribbons, Inc. plot

"Capitalizing on hope."

The woman who is diagnosed with breast cancer in a Western country inevitably comes into contact with Pink Ribbon, a seemingly sympathetic movement that stands for militancy, hope and action. Fanatics with a passion for the cause, in collaboration with companies, organize marathons and other sponsored activities that raise money for research into a solution. But despite the many billions influxed, it has still not been found. Why not?

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