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Romanzo Criminale (2005)

Crime | 152 minutes / 174 minutes (extended cut)
3,52 179 votes

Genre: Crime

Duration: 152 minuten / 174 minuten (extended cut)

Country: Italy / France / United Kingdom

Directed by: Michele Placido

Stars: Kim Rossi Stuart, Anna Mouglalis and Stefano Accorsi

IMDb score: 7,2 (9.879)

Releasedate: 30 September 2005


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Romanzo Criminale plot

Criminal Il Lebanese plans to take power in Rome's underworld. To accomplish this nearly impossible task, he assembles a ruthless and organized team. 25 years of their collaboration, from the 1970s to the late 1990s, are shown, as well as the police inspector who has stuck with them all those years.

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stinissen (crew films & series)

  • 22673 messages
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Romanzo criminale is really a film in the style of La Piovra, which could hardly be otherwise if Commissario Corrado Cattani (Michele Placido) is directing.

He really made a very good film with the comment that I personally didn't like the ending that much.

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Good atmosphere and emotionally things are very well developed, you can leave that to the Italians (and French). This film comes across as realistic and is not filled with hollow characters.

I thought it was a fascinating story and I could empathize with it. It can come close with this performance.

Excellent images, well acted.

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Almost epic crime story with the crème de la crème of contemporary Italian cinema in the cast. The result is correspondingly. Excellent film with a tight screenplay and flesh-and-blood characters. By including real news events (the kidnapping of Aldo Moro, the attack on Bologna station), the film gains credibility. Although tough as nails here and there, but not overly bloody. Class!

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