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Non Ho Sonno (2001)

Crime | 117 minutes
3,01 134 votes

Genre: Crime / Horror

Duration: 117 minuten

Alternative titles: Sleepless / Nonhosonno

Country: Italy

Directed by: Dario Argento

Stars: Max von Sydow, Stefano Dionisi and Chiara Caselli

IMDb score: 6,2 (7.729)

Releasedate: 5 January 2001


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Non Ho Sonno plot

"Creepier than Jack the Ripper."

Turin, 1983. The young Giacomo Gallo (Dionisi) has to watch helplessly as his mother is murdered in a truly horrific way. Inspector Ulisse Moretti (Sydow) promises the boy that he will find the killer, even if the search takes his whole life.

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A solid film by Argento that harks back to the classic giallo. A strong role by Max von Sydow who contrasts sharply with the rest of the cast in terms of acting. The rest of the cast is of varying skill level. The main character still does a decent job, but I found the hysterical hooker from the beginning of the film abysmal.
Argento has opted for a lot of explicit violence. The gore effects generally look well cared for. Only the decapitated head looks very fake.
Goblin's score is very strong again. Only when the electric guitar is added I think it becomes a bit too dominant, but otherwise it is very well done.
What the film has a bit against is the duration, because almost 2 hours is very long. As a result, the film occasionally falls silent between the murders and a number of scenes take a bit long. As far as I'm concerned, a movie of 90 or 100 minutes would have seemed better to keep the momentum going.
All in all a nice throwback to the giallo.

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Still a lesser one from Argento, there are much better ones in the genre and mostly from the 70's. This print is quite poor across the board and not quite. Nevertheless, there is still the weakness I have for this cinema and I watch it with ease.

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Coming across an Argento film at the thrift store has become a 'yes moment', and after a false start with Profondo Rosso two years ago, the average Argento has tasted best in the past year, 2022, in the form of Tenebrae and Phenomena. And this Non Ho Sonno also belongs to that category, in contrast to The Phantom of the Opera and The Stendhall Syndrom. Still, I'm starting to wonder more and more whether, with all the Argento experience I've gained, I shouldn't give Profondo Rosso another chance, because in general he is seen as the best of this Italian master.

And yes, you can ask yourself all kinds of questions, also about this film. Is this good then? Is the story good? Isn't it a bit overacted? But that doesn't stretch very much for a film from Dario Argento's profession. And you can, in principle, just like with many actors, tick a laundry list. Violence. Check. Gore. Check. Hot chicks. Check. The necessary scares and other filth. Check. A downright blissful Goblin soundtrack. Check. Everything is there again in that sense and what a wonderful entertainment and what an abundance of atmosphere and style.

And a number of scenes have been built up again, as we are used to in the case of Argento. Take, for example, the chase on the train or the murder of the dancers. And did I mention wonderful women with Conchita Puglisi, Daniele Fazzolari and Chiara Caselli? That man has an eye for beautiful things. And so this Argento also knows how to fascinate and entertain with the only downside that there are apparently no wounds and scars on the perpetrator of various clawing nails. Anyway, that is a detail in an otherwise fine film that can compete with Tenebrae and Phenomena. So, yummy!

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