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Vorzimmer zur Hölle III - Plötzlich Boss (2013)

Comedy | 89 minutes
2,50 1 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 89 minuten

Country: Germany

Directed by: Michael Keusch

Stars: Henriette Richter-Röhl, Andreas Pietschmann and Ivonne Schönherr

IMDb score: 4,8 (29)

Releasedate: 25 April 2013


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Vorzimmer zur Hölle III - Plötzlich Boss plot

Sequel to 2009's Vorzimmer zur Hölle and Vorzimmer zur Hölle - Tight Secret! from 2011, in which medicine student Jule (Henriette Richter-Röhl) starts working at a large chemical company as a secretary and has an affair with her boss Phillip (Andreas Pietschmann). Jule has a brilliant idea for a cosmetics line in this third film, but her boss Phillip sees nothing in it. Fortunately, help is coming: all functions are temporarily reversed by order of the management. Jule finds out that being a chef is quite difficult.

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