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Úhori Mají Nabito (2019)

Comedy | 97 minutes
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Genre: Comedy / Crime

Duration: 97 minuten

Alternative titles: Eel Squad / Loaded Eels

Country: Czech Republic

Directed by: Vladimír Michálek

Stars: Oldřich Kaiser, Matěj Hádek and Kryštof Hádek

IMDb score: 3,7 (97)

Releasedate: 21 February 2019

Úhori Mají Nabito plot

A group of men decide to escape the grind of their daily lives through role-playing. They pretend to be soldiers of a SWAT team. They evacuate community centers and drag unsuspecting people into their game. Driven by adrenaline and delusions, they feel like Robin Hood - stealing from the rich, giving to the poor. Everything runs smoothly until they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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