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Toen Was Geluk Heel Gewoon - De Film (2014)

Comedy | 90 minutes
2,37 224 votes

Genre: Comedy / Family

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Ineke Houtman

Stars: Gerard Cox, Joke Bruijs and Sjoerd Pleijsier

IMDb score: 5,7 (444)

Releasedate: 10 April 2014


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Toen Was Geluk Heel Gewoon - De Film plot

1974. The Dutch national football team has just lost the heroic World Cup final to arch-rival West Germany. The whole country is in mourning and Jaap Kooijman throws the brand new television out the window out of sheer frustration. This event is the prelude to the rest of the film.

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I always thought this was a really fun series. Typically Dutch, with a nice humor and always able to convey the image of the time to the viewer. After fourteen seasons, however, the rack was out, as not only the viewers thought, but also the makers. I was therefore quite surprised that in 2014 they suddenly came up with a film. Then Was Geluk Very Just lends itself perfectly to the stage and theatre, but a feature film is often slightly different.

The budget is bigger and it's nice to see that this time people really come out. The decoration is fine and seeing all those nice old cars really brings out the image of the seventies. Unfortunately, not too much time has been spent on the story, or so it seems. It's quite simple, but sometimes seems to consist of separate scenes, because it really jumps from one piece to the next. The humor is also somewhat disappointing and at a certain point people get repetitive in that area.

Initially it was quite nice to see all the characters again. However, it soon becomes clear that it was just a good choice to stop the series five years ago, because they no longer had any inspiration. That inspiration has not been found five years later. This is already disappointing for fans of the series. If you're not, then you'd better skip this one.


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Too bad it's not set in the same setting as the series. A missed opportunity. I also didn't think the story was anything to write home about. But nice in itself.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Very bad. I know the series vaguely and you could still watch it in the background, but a movie is just too much. It never gets funny, sometimes it's even irritating and the story doesn't really captivate either. Furthermore, I have little connection with the characters that the film naturally floats on. The time frame and the decoration are still fine, but then I can also just look at photos. 1.0*.

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