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The Odd Couple II (1998)

Comedy | 97 minutes
3,05 116 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 97 minuten

Alternative title: Neil Simon's The Odd Couple II

Country: United States

Directed by: Howard Deutch

Stars: Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau and Lisa Waltz

IMDb score: 6,4 (10.971)

Releasedate: 9 April 1998

The Odd Couple II plot

"Some arguments stand the test of time"

Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison once lived together, but they haven't seen each other for 17 years now. But because Oscar's son, Brucey, is getting married to Felix's daughter, Hannah, they meet again. They rent a car to drive to San Malina together. However, they get lost and, just like before, are stuck together again.

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