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The Castle (1997)

Comedy | 82 minutes
3,20 52 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 82 minuten

Country: Australia

Directed by: Rob Sitch

Stars: Michael Caton, Anne Tenney and Eric Bana

IMDb score: 7,6 (17.940)

Releasedate: 10 April 1997


The Castle plot

"Ordinary Family. Extraordinary Story."

Darryl Kerrigan, a truck driver, has two great passions: his family and his home. Darryl loves his wife and four children dearly. In addition, he loves his house, in his eyes the dream of every Australian family. Darryl affectionately calls it his "Castle," even if it's semi-collapsed, on heavily contaminated ground and right next to the airport. Darryl and his family want to live there happily ever after, but then the government threatens to expropriate the Kerrigans' home due to airport expansion.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Darryl Kerrigan

Sal Kerrigan

Dale Kerrigan

Steve Kerrigan

Tracy Kerrigan

Wayne Kerrigan

Dennis Denuto

Con Petropoulous

Lawrence Hammill

Federal Court judge

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