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Saved! (2004)

Comedy | 92 minutes
2,60 221 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 92 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Brian Dannelly

Stars: Jena Malone, Mandy Moore and Macaulay Culkin

IMDb score: 6,7 (49.766)

Releasedate: 21 January 2004

Saved! plot

"Heaven help us."

Mary (Jena Malone) is a respectable Christian girl with a respectable Christian boyfriend, and attends a respectable Christian school. Her perfect life comes crashing down when her boyfriend confesses to being gay. In an attempt to "cure" him, she decides to share the bed with him. However, this has little success: he is sent to a center to get rid of his unchristian lifestyle, and Mary becomes pregnant. As her good group of friends begins to turn against her, she befriends the outsiders at her school.

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Macaulay Turkey I mused aloud, squinting at the double chin. And then it occurred to me: the lost sheep. After ET, the world has heard nothing more from this rascal, much to the dismay of many a fanatic. A real reason to drag this humble fern out of the dense jungle and repot it to an environment without tapirs, gray parrots and stingrays. Yet, instead of growing exponentially, as befits a genuine fern, the wretched plant shrunk and eventually left only a brown sludge on yours truly's carpet. An inheritance for which I would of course be grateful in normal circumstances. No, ladies and gentlemen, 'Saved!' doesn't save careers anywhere. 'Saved!' barely saves his own skin. 'Saved!' can best be compared with a very old frog, which tries to jump, but fails to do so given its retirement age.

What remains is a tarnished carpet and a stuffy snout.


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Mediocre film about a Christian girl who becomes pregnant by her gay boyfriend in an attempt to cure him. A high school comedy set in a Christian school. It's all still very much on top and the characters are quite predictable. But it's fun to watch, and the acting is good too. A small 3.0 stars.

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nice movie with minimal plot; it's all very light-hearted: something in the spirit of being left out is not something you would do if you could avoid it

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