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Run Fatboy Run (2007)

Comedy | 100 minutes
3,04 812 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 100 minuten

Alternative title: Run, Fatboy, Run

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: David Schwimmer

Stars: Simon Pegg, Thandiwe Newton and Hank Azaria

IMDb score: 6,5 (70.303)

Releasedate: 6 September 2007


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Run Fatboy Run plot

"Love. Commitment. Responsibility. There's nothing he won't run away from."

Charming, but rather clumsy and chubby Dennis decides to break up with his bewildered fiancée on their wedding day. 5 years later, however, he realizes that she is his one true love. To win her back, he must complete the London Marathon while also making his ex realize that her handsome, wealthy new fiancé is a bad choice.

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K. V.

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I was pleasantly surprised. The first hour was very successful, with quite a few jokes (that mannequin & blister scene ). The second part unfortunately contained less jokes and became more of a regular feature film.

Well the story isn't really special and the ending is something you can expect in these kind of movies, so it didn't bother/surprise.

The cast was good, also nice not to see Thandie Newton in an action movie (MI2).

A nice and fun directorial debut by David Schwimmer (Friends), who didn't get bored and who I'd like to see again. Worth a look.

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Let me just say that it was watchable and that is mainly through the second half. The first hour was simply not fun and the character Simon Pegg plays is incredibly annoying. And I totally get why Libby goes for Whit. At least she's nice, patient and well organized. I was just secretly waiting for him to put on the voice of Apu or Moe. Unfortunately that didn't happen, because that would have done the film a lot of good.

Dennis is then just the loser first-class to whom you especially want to shout that he shouldn't have been so stupid to dump Libby on the altar. Own fault, big bump. I also don't understand why the tone changes in the last half hour and Dennis suddenly becomes the sympathetic, caring father and Whit turns out to be a big jerk. I don't like twists that are almost the result of divine intervention. The jokes are substandard and only Dylan Moran was still laughing. Give me the cornetto movies.

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What's not clear to me is why Schwimmer wanted to make a British comedy so badly. Was he really looking forward to it or just couldn't get a job in America? In any case, find it a bit strange to see him at the helm of a film that mainly takes place in London with British actors.

I don't think he added that much as a director either. It felt mostly like a Simon Pegg movie, built around his character, with some jokes from the writers to keep the comedy quality alive. The directing itself is completely unobtrusive.

Fortunately, Pegg is doing well, Dylan Moran is also a nice figure to me. Pretty good stand-up too, if a little more because of his attitude than his actual jokes. The rest of the cast is also okay, only the role of Azaria is perhaps a bit too negative.

But hey, his character is more in function of the plot than vice versa. Everyone would have liked something original, although I don't think this film wanted to be much more than a simple romantic comedy. Thanks to Pegg, it's easy to sit out, but you shouldn't expect much more.


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