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Operation Petticoat (1959)

Comedy | 124 minutes
3,10 105 votes

Genre: Comedy / War

Duration: 124 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Blake Edwards

Stars: Cary Grant, Tony Curtis and Joan O'Brien

IMDb score: 7,2 (16.506)

Releasedate: 5 December 1959

Operation Petticoat plot

"20,000 Laughs Under The Sea!"

The Sea Tiger's first captain must now dump the submarine for scrap. He thinks back to the Second World War. His boat was bombed before his first trip, he convinces his superiors not to give up, but he can't get any supplies and an admiral with no experience is added to his team. However, that turns out to be a scammer who is able to arrange things. He's going to be head of supplies.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Lieutenant Commander Matt Sherman

Lieutenant Nicholas Holden

2nd Lieutenant Dolores Crandall

2nd Lieutenant Barbara Duran

Chief Molumphry

Ensign Stovall

Major Edna Heywood

Captain J.B. Henderson

Lieutenant Watson

Yeoman Ernest Hunkle

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