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Nightbitch (2024)

Comedy | 99 minutes
2,61 63 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Marielle Heller

Stars: Amy Adams, Scoot McNairy and Ella Thomas

IMDb score: 5,6 (16.394)

Releasedate: 5 December 2024


Nightbitch plot

"Unleash the beast."

A woman temporarily puts an end to her career to raise her child in the suburbs. She slowly embraces the wild power that is deeply rooted in motherhood. The woman is also becoming increasingly aware of the bizarre and unmistakable signs that she may be turning into a dog.

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Director and writer Marielle Heller leaves Amy Adams on the brink of exhaustion in Nightbitch. She has been assigned the care of her baby, while her father has old-fashioned ideas about baby care, is on the edge of the parenting spectrum, and is primarily occupied with his work. Adams' life is one of self-sacrifice. It is clear to her that her career as an artist is over and so is the time for self-realization. Dissatisfaction takes hold of her despite her love for her baby.

The constant care of the baby is hard and unleashes primal instincts. The myth of the werewolf comes into play. The film uses this clumsy symbolism to describe the animalistic feeling that arises during pregnancy, birth and the first years of the newborn life. The animal aspect displaces everything else. It displaces being a woman. It displaces the need for self-realization. The woman becomes a protective mother animal that sacrifices herself. A mother animal that is always worried and tired. Nightbitch is a satirical comedy in which this metamorphosis is explained in detail.

It barely touched me. Apart from a few successfully funny scenes, the film entertained me only moderately. Watching a tired woman for an entire film who displays stereotypical behaviour, doesn't experience much, doesn't have much to say and occasionally lets the slumbering beast inside her go wild, was not something I experienced as cathartic. Nightbitch is a tiring film.

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An awkward, ultimately safe mix of humor and drama, starring Amy Adams as a washed-up housewife fed up with motherhood who slowly comes to the realization that she's actually a dog. Adams is terrific in the lead role, and the sharp observations about life and having children are often very funny, but the more fantastical elements of the script are poorly executed and the film fizzles out.

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Nice film about a mother who only cares for her little son. The film shows especially during the first half how hard and annoying motherhood can be. But it does get a bit monotonous and the transformation into a dog is a bit too far-reaching. A special role for Amy Adams who still knows how to carry the film.

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