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Miraç (2017)

Comedy | 89 minutes
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Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 89 minuten

Country: Turkey

Directed by: Nurten Erdemir and Enes Hakan Tokyay

Stars: Ufuk Bayraktar, Meltem Miraloğlu and Arda Sahin

IMDb score: 4,5 (50)

Releasedate: 25 May 2017


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Miraç plot

The three best friends Ali, Yusuf and Achmet live together in a small Anatolian village and are always together. When the three of them want to refresh themselves in a river, Achmet tragically drowns. During the funeral, Ali and Yusuf watch the imam and are convinced that he can talk directly to Achmet in heaven. From that moment on, they do everything they can to become imams too, so that they can talk to their boyfriend again and ask him how it is in heaven.

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