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Messalina, Messalina! (1977)

Comedy | 100 minutes (ongecensureerde versie) / 95 minutes (bioscoopversie)
2,25 10 votes

Genre: Comedy / Erotic

Duration: 100 minuten (ongecensureerde versie) / 95 minuten (bioscoopversie)

Alternative titles: Caligula ll - Messalina, Messalina / Messalina: Sins of Rome / Caligula, Part II: Messalina, Empress of Love

Country: Italy

Directed by: Bruno Corbucci

Stars: Anneka Di Lorenzo, Vittorio Caprioli and Giancarlo Prete

IMDb score: 4,0 (325)

Releasedate: 11 August 1977


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Messalina, Messalina! plot

Messalina, a woman of gross sensuality, also had intimate relations with numerous other men; The highlight was the formal marriage she concluded with Gaius Silius during the emperor's absence. Many fell victim to the greed of the unscrupulous schemer. Also in the exile of Seneca especially Messalina had a hand. Her bigamy, however, brought freedmen like Narcissus and Pallas into action. This was fatal for her.

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