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Jerry & Marge Go Large (2022)

Comedy | 96 minutes
2,98 66 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 96 minuten

Alternative title: Jerry and Marge Go Large

Country: United States

Directed by: David Frankel

Stars: Bryan Cranston, Annette Bening and Rainn Wilson

IMDb score: 6,9 (27.122)

Releasedate: 20 October 2022

Jerry & Marge Go Large plot

"It's never too late to risk it all."

Jerry devoted his life to his work in the local factory. His stable, routine life changes now that he is retired. He wanders aimlessly and feels supported in his new hobbies by his wife Marge and children. Then his eye falls on the lottery. The family is millions richer through a loophole. Jerry and Marge hope to use the money to breathe new life into their village.

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  • 72 messages
  • 58 votes

So, the first movie in a long time that was so bad that I didn't finish watching it. What would Bryan Cranston himself think if he saw this film, I wonder.

The film again has every hollywood and life cliché in it. And not convincing in any way. The roles are boring, every joke is cringeworthy. Yes, of course you can see from afar that the launching of his boat is not going well. If you can laugh at that, great.

Also the student who is suddenly so cool and his fellow student who did hack the lottery organization, also here: cringe 2 the max.

And then suddenly there's Dwight from The Office US. Cool. But he also adds little. It's all so standard, so lukewarm, so unimaginative, that it's really agonizing to watch.

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Jerry [Bryan Cranston] and Marge Salbee [Annette] have been married for 45 years and have built up quite a circle of friends in the small town of Evart, Michigan. When Jerry has worked at Kellogg's for 41 years, Marge finally hopes they can celebrate. But Jerry, a man of immense mathematical acumen, decides to withdraw some of their savings on his own when he discovers a flaw in a lottery that leads him to discover a system that guarantees him a win! After a successful first experiment, he persuades friends and neighbors to put their money in and everyone gets better. Until a Harvard student makes the same discovery and tries to sideline the Salbees. Light-hearted comedy drama has little substance, but the enthusiasm of veterans Cranston and Bening is irresistible.

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Nice film about a retired couple who discover a mistake in a lottery. A fun and yet very special true story, which here results in an entertaining feel-good film. The whole mathematical explanation was a bit too minimal and easy for me. A fine cast and here and there it reminded me of Queenpins. Just not 3.5 stars.

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