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Intolerable Cruelty (2003)

Comedy | 100 minutes
2,92 1.337 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Joel Coen

Stars: George Clooney, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Billy Bob Thornton

IMDb score: 6,3 (103.371)

Releasedate: 2 September 2003

Intolerable Cruelty plot

"They can't keep their hands off each others assets."

Miles Massey, a successful lawyer from Los Angeles, specializes in divorce cases. But despite his impressive clientele, his large number of cases won, the respect of his colleagues and his own watertight contract, he is now at a turning point in his life. Success can no longer fascinate him and boredom sets in. He is urgently ready for a new challenge. And he gets it in the form of Marylin Rexroth, the almost ex-wife of his wealthy client Rex Rexroth, a wealthy real estate developer. With the help of driven private detective Gus Petch, Marylin has managed to capture Rex. She is eagerly looking forward to her financial independence. But Miles seems to put a stop to that.

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Very mediocre. Silly story that never really gets fun with the low point being the slapstick-esque thing with the hit man. In addition, the acting is very mediocre. Quickly forgotten.

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Nice romantic comedy with a lot of black humor.

It feels a bit like a snack here and there, and the film lacks at some points just that of being a top film, but it is definitely fun entertainment. George Clooney plays a fun smooth role as the slick divorce lawyer. Zeta-Jones is a good co-star, almost as intelligent in role and the scenes with Clooney together are usually very good.

Fortunately, there are also some nice supporting roles here. Billy Bob Thornton is especially good as a busy talker, but Geoffrey Rush is also funny as a soap producer, whose career has come to a dead end. The scene where an asthmatic hit man accidentally kills himself is really hilarious and I actually laughed out loud.

It doesn't get as sharp as there anywhere else, but it is one of those films where I watched almost the entire playing time with a smile.


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“In today's cynical world, it's so hard to take that great leap of faith aboard the ship of love and caring.”

Nice film full of absurd humor, over the top characters and a story that goes in all directions. The Coen brothers always know how to create a world in which they can let go of all their fantasy. The first hour in particular is full of clever dialogues, absurd situations and a cabinet of curiosities of characters. In all good ways.

Clooney fits perfectly into this world and his sidekick Adelstein is also in great shape. Zeta-Jones actually has the more normal role, but especially in her scenes with Clooney she comes alive and sparkles. Those two have a nice chemistry. The supporting characters are also hilarious at times. Things get a bit messy in the second part, and the film loses that special touch that made the first hour so entertaining. It gets a bit more serious and the drama kicks in. Fortunately, the film ends very strongly. A Coen film that makes you smile, especially in the first part.

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