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Don't Look Up (2021)

Comedy | 138 minutes
3,24 1.465 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 138 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Adam McKay

Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence and Rob Morgan

IMDb score: 7,2 (616.373)

Releasedate: 7 December 2021


Don't Look Up plot

"Based on truly possible events."

When astronomer Randall Mindy and his intern Kate discover that a comet will end life on Earth in six months, they immediately contact NASA and set up an appointment with the US president. He cannot use this bad news in the run-up to the elections and decides not to take any action for the time being. Together with space defense expert Dr. Oglethorpe, they decide to leak their findings to the media, but that does not appear to have the expected effect.

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Dr. Randall Mindy

President Orlean

Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe

Jason Orlean

Brie Evantee

Peter Isherwell

Jack Bremmer

Benedict Drask

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De filosoof

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The film is a satire on today's society in which we are so caught up in social media bubbles about the irrelevant private lives of famous people that we don't even look up when a relevant danger comes at us, in which everything is presented as entertainment, in which everything is made political with polarization and conspiracy theories as a result instead of putting facts and the common good first and in which smart business people enrich themselves with data and algorithms disguised as scientific or even evolutionary progress. The film is thus a critique of at least the denial of climate change, the loss of connection with reality by being virtually connected and especially also of populist liars like Trump and companies like Facebook that are not honest about their true intentions. The film is a call to believe the science and not the power-hungry politicians and money-hungry businessmen and to get out of the virtual entertainment bubble and truly connect with others so as to end the current politics that divide peoples and individuals and that destroy our lives. can mean ruin (the film is also a parody of the disaster film and at the same time more serious than the average disaster film that only wants to bring entertainment). The film does that not without merit and moreover in an always entertaining way while it goes nowhere in depth, but that is perhaps characteristic of a satire. At most, the film is a bit long (windy) because of the lack of depth, but as a satire the film is certainly successful.

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Sometimes a movie comes out that puts me in a dilemma. This is one of them.

After 32 minutes and 29 seconds I turned away. Like in any parody, 90% of the jokes aren't funny, and that's the case with this movie. I'd seen some flat scenes that were no doubt intended to be fun, and I shook my head: another funny American parody that lacked only background laughter. No dilemma. An exclusively negative opinion.

"Give him a chance anyway," a good friend texted me. I have her high and saw the movie in its entirety. And now I don't know anymore.

As with any parody, you have to know the parody well to appreciate the parody. Our reality has become one of hate speech, lightheartedness, climate crisis, failing media, distrust of politicians, self-interest, science is just an opinion too, and I want to be free. I know that reality all too well, and the film shows a mirror of this reality in a brilliant and intelligent way. Anyone who has watched the film will conclude: 'We have indeed gone mad.' So all praise.

And yet I am left with mixed feelings. Message is clear, intelligent scenario, professionally made, exemplary acting. But I was also annoyed by the president who looks just too much like Trump, that talk show that is just too light-hearted, that just too…

And then it's clear to me: I like satire, but I absolutely do not like comedy, just-too-parodies, wanting to be funny. Good movie, but...

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I can agree with the response of Passionbloempje. I was also regularly annoyed in this film. Actually, I found very little funny. Jason (Jonah Hill), who was supposed to be funny, was an annoyance to me. Randall (Leonardo Dicaprio), who played great by the way, let himself be carried away by the idiocy and only got out when it was too late. Only Kate (Jennifer Lawrance) realized from the beginning to the end what was really going on, without looking at all the fuss what else was going on in the world and what for many, including the media, politics and other rulers, a lot was more important than science had to report.

What davert89 says. "This film puts the finger on the sore spot and holds up a painful mirror to today's society."

Despite the many annoyances, I did appreciate the film. 3.5 stars.

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