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Blended (2014)

Comedy | 117 minutes
2,95 669 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 117 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Frank Coraci

Stars: Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore and Wendi McLendon-Covey

IMDb score: 6,5 (150.059)

Releasedate: 21 May 2014

Blended plot

"Single dad, no clue. Single mom, flying solo."

'Blended' tells the story of divorced mother Lauren and widower/father Jim, who go on a horrific blind date. By coincidence, they later run into each other during a vacation in Africa, where they start to like each other after all.

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Not "half an hour longer than usual", those recent Sandler comedies often hiccup at two hours. Again, a good fifteen minutes too long, here too there is a final kink that takes the momentum out of the end and adds nothing at all. It's not like there's much of a surprise in a movie like this.

Anyway, Sandler and Barrymore make a good onscreen couple. The films they have made together fall into the category of typical and well-behaved, but they do work. This film can also be put in that box. With Coraci there and a beautiful, sunny location, there is really very little that can go wrong.

It's the light-hearted, cozy atmosphere that makes a film like this easy to digest. Every now and then a few successful jokes (there is a few nice games with supporting music) and above all a lot of feel-good so that it never gets too serious.

Might as well have it. Blended isn't a film that stands out, but it doesn't do much wrong either. The chemistry between Barrymore and Sandler is still there, and that's what the film is built around.


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Vidi well

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Sympathetic film about two single parents who revolve around each other. Despite the many jokes, there is also regularly room for an emotional note, which gives the film more heart. Obviously it's a Sandler movie, so we shouldn't expect deep psychology. But the story flows nicely, offers enough variety and Sandler's dryly comedic comments work well. Entertaining.


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Coraci below level.

Has always been in the right place. That is where comedy is the central focus. Sometimes he mixes in some drama, but sometimes he goes full out in silly jokes. Blended is a good example of the latter, but those kinds of films actually belong to Coraci's lesser work.

The consistent safety of the film is especially disappointing, especially if you find yourself in a background like Africa. There are of course some beautiful pictures from there, but these pictures are actually scarce. Too scarce, because there really has to be something more special from the direction if a film like this is to function properly.

Humor is predictable but manageable. Furthermore, a good entertaining story and situations that follow each other in a reasonable flow. But that's more or less said, because Blended is also a film that you as a viewer will soon forget. Actually just too fast to really be classified as a good film. It is therefore mainly a half result.

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