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American Graffiti (1973)

Comedy | 112 minutes
3,23 474 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 112 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: George Lucas

Stars: Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard and Harrison Ford

IMDb score: 7,4 (100.748)

Releasedate: 1 August 1973

American Graffiti plot

"Where were you in '62?"

Two boys are about to go to college. They both have doubts. They spend one last night trying to have every adventure possible before morning, and they must decide the rest of their lives.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Curt Henderson

Steve Bolander

John Milner

Terry 'The Toad' Fields

Laurie Henderson

Debbie Dunham

XERB Disc Jockey

Joe Young

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A classic according to many, but the film did not appeal to me. A lot happens and at the same time not (although their lives will never be the same after that night, as the heavy epilogue tells us) . Read afterwards that a sequel film was also made, but that apparently became less known. Also, I didn't have to...

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Fisico (moderator films)

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I was quite curious about one of George Lucas's first films. American graffiti has a great atmosphere of the golden sixties (and fifties) with its beautiful cars in a decor of lots of color, glitter and glamour. The evergreens are also very catchy, which makes you want to dive into that decade and take advantage of the carefree student life in that period. But the setting of the atmosphere continues with the drive in, the waitresses on roller skates, fancy haircuts and clothing ... the nostalgia drips from it.

American graffiti is a pleasant feel-good movie of two college boys who put the flowers outside as a goodbye. The characters are captivating and although the story is not that much, it is a pleasant viewing piece. The young Harrison Ford has a nice supporting role, but especially the nerd Terry steals the show. American graffiti was a real success at the time, luckily but that's how you think afterwards so that we could (and still can) enjoy Lucas' epic later on.

The humor was also well appreciated. Only the credits I found a bit strange with those death notices. Still a "downer" on the loose nice feeling that I got from it.

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