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8 ½ Women (1999)

Comedy | 118 minutes
2,88 20 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 118 minuten

Alternative title: Eight and a Half Women

Country: United Kingdom / Netherlands / Luxembourg / Germany

Directed by: Peter Greenaway

Stars: John Standing, Matthew Delamere and Vivian Wu

IMDb score: 5,6 (4.252)

Releasedate: 22 May 1999


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


8 ½ Women plot

"When sexual desire becomes an obsession, it's every man for himself."

After the death of his wife, Philip Emmenthal wonders whether he has come into his own sexually. That is why he and his son are turning their Swiss house into a harem, inspired by the well-known harem sequence from Fellini's 8 1/2. Here they keep 8 1/2 women, with whom they act out their sexual fantasies, until they find out they can't control the execution and the balance of power in the harem shifts.

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