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20th Century Women (2016)

Comedy | 118 minutes
3,38 408 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 118 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Mike Mills

Stars: Annette Bening, Elle Fanning and Greta Gerwig

IMDb score: 7,3 (50.673)

Releasedate: 28 December 2016

20th Century Women plot

Dorothea Fields (Annette Bening) is a single mother who raises her teenage son Jamie (Lucas Jade Zumann) alone in a large rural house in Santa Barbara. She shares the home with an itinerant carpenter (Billy Cudrup) and a punk artist with a David Bowie haircut named Abbie (Greta Gerwig). Her son's rebellious friend, Julie (Elle Fanning), makes regular visits. The three women discover love and freedom in southern California during the late 1970s.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Dorothea Fields

Abbie Porter

Julie Miller

Julie's Mother

Gail Porter (Abbie's Mother)

Julie's Sister

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avatar van GoodOldJack


  • 1338 messages
  • 4521 votes

Fun, often (painfully) recognisable, smooth, light and yet heavy, original, striking, colorful and dark, in short, much more precise. And nowhere does the film go astray. As far as I'm concerned, a really atmospheric and high-quality film made by professionals in almost every field. I really liked it a lot.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Beautiful coming of age film and a fine Bening in an interesting setting. Whether the characters discover free love I leave open, because it won't be that revolutionary. Rather a somewhat brave interpretation of what I would imagine about the theme.

I thought the great strength of the film was the characters who each get their attention and depth in the film. Each also fascinating characters that are each intertwined. What their inner bond is with each other is less apparent. It looks like a kind of “Friends” where mutual trust is central.

Here and there some fine scenes with fine subjects about friendship, sexuality and parenting. A touch of drama and melancholy too. A film about a little bit of everything, about everything and nothing, beautifully balanced. Nice!

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  • 2424 messages
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Yes, this is another wonderful movie. I would always like to see them that way. Three women and two men of various ages live together in a large house. And they all have their own needs, desires and ideas that they help each other with. The film builds up nicely from the very beginning and the atmosphere and appearance are completely my thing. Nicely designed too. Nice dialogues and excellent acting with a lot of special scenes. Definitely a movie I hope to see again. And next time he might get another half star from me.

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