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Love & Mercy (2014)

Biography | 121 minutes
3,33 203 votes

Genre: Biography / Music

Duration: 121 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Bill Pohlad

Stars: John Cusack, Elizabeth Banks and Paul Dano

IMDb score: 7,4 (43.586)

Releasedate: 29 May 2015

Love & Mercy plot

"The Life, Love and Genius of Brian Wilson"

Love & Mercy tells the story of reclusive Beach Boys songwriter and musician Brian Wilson. From his successes with highly influential orchestral albums to his nervous breakdown and subsequent meeting with controversial therapist and doctor Eugene Landy.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Brian Wilson 1960s

Brian Wilson 1980s

Melinda Ledbetter

Dr. Eugene Landy

Mike Love

Dennis Wilson

Carl Wilson

Marilyn Wilson

Murry Wilson

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  • 46428 messages
  • 8641 votes

Not really successful and especially depressing film.

The problem is that the transitions between Paul Dano (to be honest, comes close to Wilson) and Cusack do not come across at all.

Had just taken unknown actors, that would have been much better.

What speaks for the film is that it is not a rise or fall story, but actually starts directly with the fall. As anyone who knows anything about Wilson understands, that doesn't immediately cheer you up.

Most fun to watch is actually the whole making of Pet Sounds. But the film never really manages to get through to the elusive person Brian Wilson, which makes it a bit monkey-watching.

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  • 1700 messages
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The early years were interesting, Brian Wilson in the 80s (Cusack) didn't need me. Probably because I am mainly interested in the musical aspect. Still not a bad movie.

3 stars. Beautiful poster by the way

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  • 6471 messages
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Interesting biopic about the life of the troubled Brian Wilson, singer and songwriter of The Beach Boys. We see him here in two different periods of his life, played by both Paul Dano and John Cusack. Both are excellent, but unfortunately the film too often hovers on the surface and the approach is a bit too detached, so that the film is interesting but not really compelling. The role that therapist and doctor (Paul Giamatti) played in Wilson's life also gets a little too much attention as far as I'm concerned. The vicissitudes surrounding The Beach Boys (especially the recordings in the studio) are by far the most fun.

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