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The Congress (2013)

Animation | 122 minutes
3,10 134 votes

Genre: Animation / Scifi

Duration: 122 minuten

Country: Israel / Germany / Poland / Luxembourg / Belgium / France

Directed by: Ari Folman

Stars: Robin Wright, Kodi Smit-McPhee and Danny Huston

IMDb score: 6,4 (20.192)

Releasedate: 3 July 2013

The Congress plot

Actress Robin Wright has had her identity transferred to a studio and the contract prohibits her from appearing on TV in person or as an actress. She hates to give up her job as an actress, but her friends and family see it as the only way to force a long career. Meanwhile, the studio promises to always make her look 32 years old, when in reality she is already 44. Twenty years later, the studio merges with an all-powerful Japanese pharmaceutical company, and then it's Wright's turn to renew...

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