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Care Bears to the Rescue (2010)

Animation | 65 minutes
2,00 3 votes

Genre: Animation / Adventure

Duration: 65 minuten

Alternative titles: Care Bears: To the Rescue Movie / Troetelbeertjes: Reddingstrofee / Troetelbeertjes op Reddingsmissie!

Country: United States

Directed by: Davis Doi and Larry Houston

Stars: Ashleigh Ball, Kathleen Barr and Garry Chalk

IMDb score: 5,9 (113)

Releasedate: 3 April 2010


Care Bears to the Rescue plot

Honestbeer is the hostess of the annual Troetel Trofee Gala. The first Trophy is for Zonnebeertje. Sun bear caused trouble by helping bears who didn't need help. The Nimbits want to make Sunny Bear feel like he can't be missed, but create a situation that spirals out of control and calls for Sunny Bear to be rescued. Meanwhile, Brombeer is leading the show behind the scenes. He takes care of the lighting, sets and costumes. Oopsbeertje tries to help him, but only makes the work more difficult.

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