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The Karate Kid (2010)

Action | 140 minutes
3,02 1.487 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 140 minuten

Alternative title: The Kung Fu Kid

Country: United States / China

Directed by: Harald Zwart

Stars: Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan and Taraji P. Henson

IMDb score: 6,2 (213.650)

Releasedate: 10 June 2010

The Karate Kid plot

"A Challenge He Never Imagined. A Teacher He Never Expected."

Dre (Jaden Smith) is a skateboarding, game-addicted boy who is forced to move to China because his mother (Taraji P. Henson) has to go there for work. Dre struggles to adapt and is beaten up by the local bully. mr. Han (Jackie Chan) is a handyman who sees Dre's black eye and offers to teach him martial arts and the Chinese language. In this way, Dre can defend himself against the students of Li Quan Ha's Fighting Dragon School of Kung-Fu.

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A bit better than the original.

This remake was not necessary, but since China wants more feet in the American cinema floor, it is not so difficult to explain why this film was made. It is also not surprising that the film is set in China this time, with a nice promo film for Beijing.

A bit cheap perhaps, but it does make the film a bit easier to digest. Only Smith is still quite annoying, but a Karate Kid without an American boy makes no sense of course. Chan is cut out for the role, the rest of the cast is decent but not very noticeable.

The story is simple, but well presented. 140 minutes is of course too much, but it never really gets boring. And despite the fact that the outcome of this film was mainly predetermined, the ending is also worth it.

Decent upgrade, not a great movie, but better than the original.


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The Karate Kid is a great movie as a remake if you haven't seen the original. Then it is a fine film in itself, but the original is of course the best and rightly so.

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It is a remake and it is the standard that bad reviews pour in. I always try to look further, and around 2010 saw that this more modern version managed to bring the story well to a new generation. I first knew it mainly through the soundtrack: Smith and Justin Bieber recorded the song Never Say Never for the film and had all kinds of fragments from the film in the clip. It wasn't until a year after the release that I saw the film for the first time, and I didn't think it was crazy at all. The title isn't quite right anymore, but I really like that they've brought in all those new aspects. It's clearly based heavily on the original story, but certainly not a 1-on-1 copy, and that goes further than just the replacement of karate with kung fu.

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