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The Adam Project (2022)

Adventure | 106 minutes
2,94 628 votes

Genre: Adventure / Scifi

Duration: 106 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Shawn Levy

Stars: Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner

IMDb score: 6,7 (243.355)

Releasedate: 11 March 2022


The Adam Project plot

"Past meets future."

Teenage boy Adam Reed mourns his father's unexpected death a year ago. One day he goes to his garage where he comes across an older version of himself. The elder Adam apparently comes from a future where man has discovered time travel. Adam is out on a secret mission where he could use the help of his younger self.

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Captain Pervert

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What fun! This movie struck a chord with me. It really has everything in it: time travel, action, humor, drama, mourning, hope, a golden retriever, an 80s ET atmosphere, references to Terminator and Back to the Future[/i ], a school bully, a token black girl, a female villain, a fridge that doesn't close properly, and tons of wonderfully written dialogue.

The latter alone carries the whole film. Forgive Ryan Reynolds for playing himself again, but he's just great fun and he's allowed to do that. In addition, his younger self is extremely well portrayed by the young Walker Scobell, whose lyrics might be a little too mature for a 12-year-old kid, but a perfect match for his older self. Another good acting kid: you wonder why it's possible now, and kids in the 80s and 90s always acted so badly.

It becomes even more fun when Mark Ruffalo appears on the scene and speaks exactly the same way. The 106 minutes flew by.

Along with [i]Extraction
, Dont Look Up and perhaps The Irishman the best Netflix original yet.

4.5 stars

PS you can't avoid huge plot holes in these kinds of films, but that Ruffalo insists that he is not allowed to know his future makes no sense when you see how extremely radically the future has already been changed. Then it wouldn't hurt to tell him that in the near future it would be better to take the bus instead of the car...

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After Free Guy (2021), director Shawn Levy and lead actor Ryan Reynolds do it again in another science fiction adventure. The Adam Project is also sensationally designed and also has a humorous slant. Not very surprising. You can't imagine a movie with Ryan Reynolds without humor these days. The combination of action and humor has become his trademark. That image produces films that are usually fun entertainment. The Adam Project is a bit like that.

The story about the battle between good and bad is a bit on the boring side. Although the concept of time travel is interesting, countless productions have already appeared that deal with this theme. It is almost impossible to come up with something original. The humor is not very original, but functions well. Even after the umpteenth repetition of a funny reference or a funny moment, the humor continues to catch on. The interactions between the cynical Reynolds and his young alter ego are especially funny.

Lots of action and drama too. The action scenes are full of computer effects. They look good, but have nothing original. Seen more often. The drama has a few intriguing touches, but is played out too much and too sweetly. It is too focused on arousing emotion and that is precisely why it misses the mark. At least I wasn't sensitive to it.

I was not bored. Everything has been said with that. The Adam Project is nothing more than good popcorn entertainment.

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Pretty crappy movie.

The story is wafer thin, the characters are cardboard with a layer of smart humor and the emotions were corresponding.

Ryan Reynolds' latest movies are all pretty much the same, so if that's your thing, this one is it.

Other than that, it's really just lukewarm crap that didn't excite me anywhere, except when the phrase "you never understood the science" was dropped in a scene where just about everything where science is taken for granted (and logic for people who are +3j) for state.

And that suddenly sums up nicely how the film hangs together with spit and twigs.

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