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Penny's Shadow (2011)

Adventure | 111 minutes
2,72 85 votes

Genre: Adventure

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Steven de Jong

Stars: Levi van Kempen, Tanja Jess and Liza Sips

IMDb score: 6,0 (256)

Releasedate: 8 June 2011


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Penny's Shadow plot

Lisa is sixteen years old and has a special bond with horses. In the summer she goes on holiday to Ameland with her mother and sister Tess. Tess also takes her stubborn pony Rakker with her. They stay on the camping farm of seventeen-year-old Kai and his father. Kai's mother died years ago in an accident with her beloved horse Shadow. The black stallion survived, but has become severely traumatized and unreliable. Kai saw the accident happen and therefore has a difficult relationship with the horse. Lisa is convinced she can help with Shadow, but Kai doesn't want to hear about this. She decides to secretly train the horse and give him confidence in people again.

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