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Merrill's Marauders (1962)

Adventure | 98 minutes
3,07 64 votes

Genre: Adventure / War

Duration: 98 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Samuel Fuller

Stars: Jeff Chandler, Ty Hardin and Claude Akins

IMDb score: 6,6 (2.893)

Releasedate: 16 March 1962

Merrill's Marauders plot

"How they fought those last 500 miles will remain forever in your memory!"

January 1942. Hitler's campaign of conquest is in full swing. His Japanese ally is also making inroads into Asian countries and expelling American soldiers from Burma. However, General Frank D. Merrill plans a counter-offensive to drive the enemy back. His soldiers sneak through the vast jungle for three months to get to the city of Walabum. It is a hellish journey through Japanese territory. In addition, the soldiers must be constantly on the alert to save their skins...

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Brig. Gen. Frank D. Merrill

2nd Lt. Lee Stockton

Capt. Abraham Lewis Kolodny, MD

Sgt. Kolowicz

Burmese girl

Gen. Joseph Stilwell

Muley (as Charles Briggs)

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