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K2 (1991)

Adventure | 102 minutes
2,88 158 votes

Genre: Adventure / Drama

Duration: 102 minuten

Alternative title: K2: The Ultimate High

Country: United Kingdom / Japan / United States

Directed by: Franc Roddam

Stars: Michael Biehn, Matt Craven and Annie Grindlay

IMDb score: 6,2 (7.396)

Releasedate: 9 October 1991

K2 plot

"Between the earth and the sky lies the sheer face of adventure."

K2 is the second highest mountain in the world after Mount Everest. Two friends, Taylor and Harold, are fairly experienced mountaineers. They decide to climb the K2. During the climb, not only do their clashing personalities come to the fore, but K2 proves to be an extremely difficult to climb giant, with danger lurking everywhere.

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