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Ein Toter Hing im Netz (1960)

Adventure | 89 minutes
2,00 33 votes

Genre: Adventure / Horror

Duration: 89 minuten

Alternative titles: Horrors of Spider Island / In het Net van de Sadist

Country: West Germany / Yugoslavia

Directed by: Fritz Böttger

Stars: Alexander D'Arcy, Barbara Valentin and Helga Franck

IMDb score: 2,7 (4.235)

Releasedate: 15 April 1960

Ein Toter Hing im Netz plot

A man and a group of revue dancers make an emergency landing on a desert island. The island is populated by millions of spiders. The man is bitten by a spider and slowly but surely also changes into a spider, and goes hunting for the girls.

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Wonderful German title!

Well what a movie huh? After all the voluptuous ladies have twisted their bodies during their audition, they board the plane with the tough manager with all the disastrous consequences that entails. After an exhausting journey by sea, the couple washes ashore completely dehydrated, but luckily the bickering abilities are fine! The technical term is 'chicken coop' I believe...

Man is bitten by spider and turns into a spider man (well why not after all), so far the fun as Poisonthewell wrote. After this, the film gets bogged down in relationship nonsense and it only becomes fun again when the already almost forgotten spider man is chased into the quicksand .

Started out nice enough to give it 2 stars.

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Started well. Anyway, the film was quite captivating in the beginning. After about 40 minutes I found this movie to be quite boring and it lost my total attention. This is very unfortunate. So the film only gets a 2.0.

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Can you speak of a horror movie here? A silly big spider and an even more ridiculous spider man who is simply forgotten during the story and is allowed to appear for a while at the last. And that's it ! The rest is just bickering between beautiful girls who wash up on an island with one man after a plane crash. Very weak ! 2/10

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