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Ticker (2001)

Action | 92 minutes
1,94 264 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 92 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Albert Pyun

Stars: Tom Sizemore, Dennis Hopper and Steven Seagal

IMDb score: 3,5 (7.852)

Releasedate: 1 January 2001

Ticker plot

"When the countdown hits zero, you're dead"

Agent Nettles lost his family a while ago, leaving him unable to stand his job. His partner, Art 'Fuzzy' Rice, tries to talk to him about his problems and the two become close. When they track down a crazy bomber, they capture a girl he wants back. Through the girl, the police try to find out about the bomber's plans.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Det. Ray Nettles

Frank Glass

Claire Manning

Det. Art 'Fuzzy' Rice

Det. Artie Pluchinsky

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Holy Crap, what a stupid and bad action movie.

The acting is very mediocre, especially Seagal is very bad with, as the Veronica guide nicely says: Eastern wisdom. They are completely retarded and make no sense, luckily Seagal doesn't get too much time on the screen in this film, not that the rest the cast is doing something about it.
All obviously acting on autopilot. The fight scenes look stupid with really bad camera work, the explosions are ugly and there are a lot of stupid moments in the film.

Dennis Hopper calling the police with a voice scrambler and then walks away with the scrambler still on the phone. Or a fighting Seagal through a building, how often do you see members of a bomb squad doing this. Or, to make it even more colorful, Seagal has Sizemore (normal police officer) dismantle a bomb via the walkie talkie.

No, this movie rightly gets the low scores on MM and IMDB!! Normally I watch these nonsense movies, but due to a coincidence of circumstances I did see this misfire


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Normally I'm a big fan of Steven Seagal, but this movie was a bit disappointing. First of all, I don't think it's a typical Seagal movie: it doesn't really have THE lead role, rather a shared lead. I'm used to the following from a Seagal film: a simple story with a gang of bad guys who shoot Seagal 1 for 1 or give them a good beating. The simple story was present in this film, but the fun action scenes with Seagal were a bit lacking (unfortunately).

The story itself wasn't bad, but it wasn't spectacular either. Still, I found the film quite interesting to follow, so I certainly didn't think it was a bad film. The cast is quite strong, although they are not really at their best in this film (as Nomak also indicated).

What I still found quite stupid were the philosophical statements of Steven Seagal: I found these really unsuccessful...

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Sizemore is worthless, not even to peek at. Hopper does well as a bad guy and Seagal proves to be of value in his supporting role. Being able to enjoy that, but how the rest of the film unfolds is not something to get excited about. Fairly mediocre action piece that fortunately managed to attract two strong B actors.

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